Clergy Abuse Survivors Testify About Torment Baltimore Archdiocese Bankruptcy Case
Lisa Hopkins Lisa Hopkins

Clergy Abuse Survivors Testify About Torment Baltimore Archdiocese Bankruptcy Case

In a historic courtroom, the Archdiocese of Baltimore welcomed six courageous survivors stepped forward to recount their personal tales of trauma, their voices finally heard thanks to the lifting of time limits for lawsuits under Maryland’s Child Victims Act. Among them, our client, Eva Dittrich, at 68 years young, shared her heart-wrenching narrative, defining herself not by the words of her abuser, but by her indomitable spirit of survival.

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Ten Frequently Asked Questions About the Status of the Child Victims Act of 2023 (CVA), Including Challenges to Its Constitutionality
Lisa Hopkins Lisa Hopkins

Ten Frequently Asked Questions About the Status of the Child Victims Act of 2023 (CVA), Including Challenges to Its Constitutionality

The Maryland Child Victims Act (CVA), effective from October 1, 2023, empowers survivors of childhood sexual abuse to pursue civil actions against their abusers and the institutions that facilitated the abuse. Before the CVA, survivors were required to file claims within a given number of years after they reached the legal age of majority—usually within seven years of their 18th birthday.

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How Church's Ch. 11 Bid Could Shut Out Abuse Victims
News Article Lisa Hopkins News Article Lisa Hopkins

How Church's Ch. 11 Bid Could Shut Out Abuse Victims

Since early December, Mary Beth Diaz, a paralegal at Baltimore-based Jenner Law, has fielded hundreds of phone calls from men and women in their 60s and 70s telling her, often through tears, about their experiences being sexually abused as children. Many of them were telling their stories for the first time, she said.

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Suits Filed Under New Victims Law Stacking Up. Statute of Limitations Lifted Through Recent Legislation.
News Article Lisa Hopkins News Article Lisa Hopkins

Suits Filed Under New Victims Law Stacking Up. Statute of Limitations Lifted Through Recent Legislation.

A man who, at age 9, was shown a gun before being forced to have sex with a priest. A woman who at age 14 was plied with drugs by teachers, sexually assaulted by them and impregnated. A man who was sodomized by detention-center caretakers at age 15.

Before Sunday, there was little these individuals could do to hold their alleged perpetrators accountable in court in Maryland. Now they’re plaintiffs in some of the first lawsuits to be filed against accused offenders under the Child Victims Act, a new law that removes the statute of limitations on child sex abuse lawsuits.

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The Archdiocese of Baltimore declared bankruptcy. It wasn’t about money.
News Article Lisa Hopkins News Article Lisa Hopkins

The Archdiocese of Baltimore declared bankruptcy. It wasn’t about money.

When the morning sun breaks through the restored skylights of the Baltimore Basilica, the entire ceiling glows thanks to the double-shell dome hiding those windows — a feature Thomas Jefferson suggested.

Two massive oil paintings — gifted to the basilica by France’s King Louis XVIII — hang near the marble busts and bronze tributes to archbishops and cardinals who were in charge when a little girl was raped and told she had received “holy communion,” according to a sweeping investigation released in the spring.

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SNAP calls on survivors to come forward ahead of Child Victims Act going into effect Sunday
News Article Lisa Hopkins News Article Lisa Hopkins

SNAP calls on survivors to come forward ahead of Child Victims Act going into effect Sunday

Victims’ advocates urged adult survivors of sexual abuse by members of the clergy to come forward Thursday ahead of a landmark Maryland law going into effect Sunday.

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, known as SNAP, held a news conference outside of the Baltimore Basilica on Cathedral Street to discuss the Child Victims Act, the possibility of the Baltimore archdiocese declaring bankruptcy and the still-redacted names in the attorney general’s report on child sexual abuse within the archdiocese.

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Archdiocese of Baltimore weighs bankruptcy with surge of child sex abuse lawsuits expected
News Article Lisa Hopkins News Article Lisa Hopkins

Archdiocese of Baltimore weighs bankruptcy with surge of child sex abuse lawsuits expected

The Baltimore Archdiocese is considering filing for bankruptcy as it anticipates a potential flood of lawsuits starting Oct. 1, when a new Maryland law will lift the statute of limitations on claims from those who say they were sexually abused as children, according to internal emails among church officials and a communications specialist.

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For some survivors of childhood sexual abuse, ‘healing doesn’t mean it’s gone’
News Article Lisa Hopkins News Article Lisa Hopkins

For some survivors of childhood sexual abuse, ‘healing doesn’t mean it’s gone’

The bad days aren’t as bad as they used to be for Frank Schindler.

He has a good life now. He’s married to Betsy Schindler, a woman he adores. They have a nervous orange tabby cat named Leo and live in a cozy Canton row home, a few minutes’ walk from the water. He has a job he cares about and friends who care about him.

But there are still days when the darkness creeps back in.

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