You are not alone.
We’re here to help survivors of institutional sexual abuse find justice and healing.
Seeking Justice for Surivors
We believe sexual predators within religious institutions, healthcare professions, youth sports, and other childhood activities need to be held accountable for their horrendous actions. Our lawyers and professional, trauma-informed and trained staff seek to hold the people and institutions that failed to protect our children accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
We are here to help survivors and their loved ones move towards healing.
You are not alone.
From simply listening to your story without judgment assistance navigating the complexities of compensation programs and statutes of limitations, we are ready to help childhood sexual abuse survivors find justice and healing. Our board is comprised of legal professionals, survivors of sexual abuse, and victim advocates. Together, we have more than three decades of experience working with survivors of sexual abuse and litigating cases against Catholic dioceses, religious orders, camp counselors, healthcare professionals, and other abusers nationwide.
Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse
Healthcare Professionals
Youth Sports
Religious Institutions
Camp Counselors
Childhood Activities
Meet the Board Members
David Lorenz
Survivor | Advocate
Mother Debra Rhodes
Priest | Survivor | Advocate
Dr. Bryant Welch
Advocate | Psychologist
Gemma Hoskins
Advocate | Author
Mary Beth Diaz
Family Member of Survivor | Advocate | Paralegal
Rob Jenner
Beth Graham
Philip Federico
Hear their stories
Those who suffered in silence for years finally have learned they are not alone. Indeed, in recent years, thousands of victims have come forward with their stories of sexual misconduct at the hands of religious institutions, pediatricians, therapists, camp counselors, and more. Now adults, individuals have finally found their voices heard.
“I grew up thinking of myself as damaged goods, like I was innately bad. All I felt was pain.
Throughout my life I’ve found that the more I serve others, they actually minister to me; we need each other. And all survivors need time to remember and to heal.”
As Seen In